Featured Speakers:
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Becky Thomas.png

Matt Hillery

Dathu Patil 
Becky Thomas
CTO, Access
Senior Solutions 
Architect, AWS

COO, i2k Connect 
Progress in Artificial Intelligence has dramatically improved in the past five years, leading to a surge in its adoption. A recent Access study revealed that many organizations are increasing investment in AI and technology to meet RIM demands. Meanwhile, ChatGPT has acquired 1.2 billion users, making it the fastest growing internet application of all time.

With all of the attention that AI is receiving, what are some possible use case scenarios that could unlock the next wave of innovation in records and information management?

During this 30-minute discussion, Matt Hillery, CTO of Access, Dathu Patil, Senior Solutions Architect at AWS, and Becky Thomas, COO at i2k Connect, answer a variety of questions regarding AI in RIM, including:

  • What does the relationship between RIM and AI look like now and in the future?
  • What data collections can be used to train AI algorithms for better outcomes?
  • Are there secondary revenue streams that can come from training modern AI algorithms on archival data?

Watch the webinar recording to become prepared for the future of artificial intelligence and records management!