This week on Out of the Box Live

We are pleased to be joined by our upcoming guest, Darrell Mervau, President and Co-Founder of FileTrail, a leader in modern information governance and records management software for law firms and highly regulated industries.

Darrell will join to offer his guidance on what a modern records management program should look like. Simply put – it needs to be agile.

What bogs companies down from reaching agility? Large volumes of paper records. Forming a plan to stop the future accumulation of paper is the first step to agile records management.

On this episode of Out of the Box Live, we’ll explore how IG leaders can help their firms operate more efficiently and sustainably, adapt quicker to future disruptions, and position themselves to soar freely to new heights in a rapidly changing world.

Join John, Kurt, and Darrell and ask questions to quench your curiosities about a paperless future. As always, conversation will be interesting and informative. Submit your questions prior to the show at [email protected]. There will also be an opportunity to ask during the show.

Meet our hosts

Internationally recognized in the legal fields of compliance, as well as records and information management (RIM), John is one of the country’s foremost experts on RIM issues, electronic discovery, and legal holds.

John Isaza, Esq., FAI
•VP, Information Governance, Access

Kurt has 25 years of experience leading the digital transformation efforts for many businesses. His efforts include founding and building a leading information management software company servicing Fortune 500 and other enterprises around the globe.

— Kurt Thies
VP, Product Evangelist | Access