Featured Speakers:

  • Shelly Eddy, Vice President, Client Success | Access
  • Rich Langtry, Vice President, Client Success | Access

Success for records and information (RIM) in 2020 and beyond is about one thing: flexibility.

Organizations now have employees who work from home, the office, and sometimes both. How and where they work changes quickly, but the information must always remain accessible, portable and secure. 

While digitization is an important aspect of the transition, RIM program managers need other solutions as well. Program managers need strategies to assess the change in volume for secure shred bins, develop strategies for receiving off-site records and ensure secure chain of custody is met. 

Join Rich Langtry, Vice President, Client Success and Shelly Eddy, Area Vice President, Client Success at Access as they discuss why they consider this moment in time an inflection point for RIM leaders.

Join us to hear:
  • Real-world examples we’ve heard about struggling to physical records while remote
  • How to achieve better accessibility without increasing risk
  • Developing digital programs for traditionally paper-heavy routines like mail, filing and accessing off-site records
  • Ensuring secure destruction for remote workers
  • Ways to measure your program through the lenses of risk, quality, and cost
  • Steps to transform your program to be both remote and flexible-work friendly
  • Tactics and strategies for reducing the overall cost of your records program