Featured Speaker:

Robert Bogue – Organizational Development Expert, Author & Speaker, and President at Thor Projects LLC

It’s challenging to get key stakeholders to understand and align on the organization’s RIM/IG initiatives. Putting a plan together will help executives and colleagues from other departments get on board – and stay onboard.   

Learn how to change the game by demonstrating the benefits of a professional RIM program and get these stakeholders to come to you proactively to continually advance the organization’s goals.  

During this webinar, Securing Stakeholder Support for RIM/IG Initiatives (Without Selling Your Soul), organizational and change management expert, Robert Bogue, offers practical advice on how to glean success by securing stakeholder support for your RIM/IG projects. 

Watch this webinar to:

  • Explore how different stakeholders bring different value to initiatives - from legitimacy to urgency, and ultimately to power.
  • Learn the language of leadership and speak to stakeholders in a way that captures their attention and secures their support.
  • Break through the barriers that block buy-in.
  • Identify and eliminate common fallacies that cause stakeholders to resist funding information governance and digitization initiatives.